
Handmade diy, waste utilization, creativity and environmental protection are interesting

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage
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Our life will produce a lot of waste, but have you ever thought that if these waste can be reused, it can not only save resources for us, but also bring different feelings to our homes. Paper drawer is often used at home. Now it costs at least ten yuan to buy a paper drawer box in the market, but it may cost dozens of yuan more. Then, we might as well use some old products to make manual diy waste use. Nonwovens are what we use when shopping in supermarkets. If you feel that you don't like this non-woven bag, don't throw it away. It's just good to use it to make paper boxes. Those who like coffee can keep the box. Cut a hole on the top of the box, which can be put into the paper drawer. Don't cut the hole too big. Then cut the non-woven bag with scissors, cut it into pieces of cloth about the size of the coffee box, sew it with thread, or stick it with glue stick. This is a simple manual diy waste paper box. Usually there are many things on our bed, which makes our bed look very messy, so we might as well DIY a bedside table manually! We usually put some small items beside the bed, so the bedside table we make can not be too large. There will be some small boards that are not used at home, so you can use them to make a bed. First, cut the small board into a square box, and glue the four sides of the box. Then measure the size of the box, cut the cloth, and wrap the small box with cloth to prevent the outer edge of the box from being pricked and scratching. Finally, nail the small box on the wall. If you don't want to damage the wall, you can also make a hook on the small wooden box with iron wire, which can be hung on the wall. Of course, if we have more things, we can do more. The small wooden box is hung at the nearest position to our hands, so it is more convenient to handle things. The cloth of the package box can also choose the color you like, which looks more distinctive.

Childhood Naked Running, Middle Age Naked Marriage 2024-05-13 03:39:13
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