
The manufacturing process of soymilk from cereals

Love is thin on paper
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Operation method

Take one or two cups of soybeans, one third cup of red adzuki beans, one third of black adzuki beans, seven or eight peanuts, and two walnut kernels from a measuring cup dedicated to the soymilk machine, and rinse them with water. If you intend to drink soymilk in the morning, soak these ingredients in advance in the evening.

Eating more carrots is good for your health. I choose to add a small carrot to the soybean milk. The carrot is washed and cut into small pieces as shown in the figure. The sesame can enhance the fragrance. It's better to fry the sesame. These two can be added together to beat soybean milk, which is nutritious and delicious.

Put the filtered water of early soaked beans, peanuts and walnuts into the soybean milk machine, and then put the prepared carrots and some cooked sesame seeds into the machine. After that, add 1300 ml of water for later use.

There is a limit for adding water in the soymilk machine, which must not exceed the highest water level. After adding water, clamp the cover of the soymilk machine and connect it to the power supply. Select the Start button of Wugu soymilk, and the soymilk machine starts to work. After about 20 minutes, the delicious Wugu soymilk is finished. The soymilk machine emits a drip sound, indicating that the beating is complete. Unplug the power supply and turn on the soymilk machine, Pour out the corn soymilk.

Love is thin on paper 2024-04-30 06:18:59
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