
How does lol buy heroes

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Many people don't know how to buy heroes. Let me show you

Operation method

There is a shop on the upper right corner of the lol homepage. After entering, you will see heroes on the left

After clicking the hero, there will be something similar to the search bar on the left to help you find the hero you need. You can search according to gold coins, roll counting, type, or name

Click the hero you want to see your hero attributes, skills, etc., and finally click Buy Hero in the lower right corner. There are two ways to buy a hero, and then purchase according to your own situation.

Whisper 2024-05-17 16:22:54
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Latest answers Change


Q: Is Kaifeng Annual Pass available for holidays

Answer: The annual ticket will be suspended during the first 15 days of the Kaifeng Chrysanthemum Flower Fair (subject to the time specified by the government festival office), the Chinese Lunar New Year (subject to the time specified by the state holiday) and the National Day Golden Week. When the use of some scenic spots is suspended during special periods, the annual ticket management office will release an announcement 24 hours in advance on the official website of Kaifeng annual ticket and at the entrance of the deactivated scenic spots. The original ticket policy and convenience measures of each scenic spot are still implemented according to relevant regulations. Before using the annual ticket, you can call the scenic spot or read the annual ticket manual in detail. If the user manual is missing, you can get it from the authorized branch of the annual ticket office or log in to the official website of the annual ticket office for query. Within the validity period of the annual ticket, whether the ticket price or the management system changes or not, the annual ticket scenic spots will effectively ensure that the annual ticket holders enjoy the same treatment as normal ticket buyers. Once the annual ticket is used, it means that the purchaser accepts the terms of this notice and complies with the relevant provisions of the issuing unit of the annual ticket.

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