
Three minute Book of Changes and Eight Trigrams Beginner Level

Man flower
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Operation method

Tai Chi gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four elephants, and four elephants give birth to eight trigrams. As the essence of Chinese Taoist culture, its formation originated from Hetu and Luoshu.

The eight trigrams are Yiqian, Erdui, Sanli, Sizhen, Wuxun, Liukan, Qigen, and Bakun. The eight trigrams are also called congenital eight trigrams.

The Eight Diagrams are used for divination and fortune telling. They can be used in Plum Blossom Counting and Qimen Dunjia.

The meaning of the Eight Diagrams has a profound effect on the value of human spirit. The Eight Diagrams can also be divided into sixty-four hexagrams, and each hexagram has a profound teaching significance for people.

Man flower 2024-04-15 04:25:48
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