
Do you want to pull out wisdom teeth? In what case? Hazards of not pulling out wisdom teeth

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"Doctor, my back teeth are painful when I bite them, and they are swollen and feel pus. It will look like this every few months. How should I deal with it?" It is believed that the above descriptions are the symptoms that many people who have not extracted wisdom teeth have had or are experiencing. Why do I have to pull out my wisdom teeth every time I go to see a doctor? What's the harm of not pulling out wisdom teeth? Let's introduce the common complications one by one:

Operation method

The wisdom teeth of pericoronitis and cellulitis are located at the last side of the dental arch, which is quite inconvenient to clean. If the wisdom teeth are askew, it is almost impossible to clean them. Therefore, if people with crooked wisdom teeth are not cleaned, the surrounding teeth will become inflamed, swollen, painful, or even purulent. The most serious cases may even lead to cellulitis, which requires hospitalization.

Wisdom tooth or adjacent tooth decay and tooth decay also often occur in the wisdom tooth. It is easy to solve the problem if it occurs in the wisdom tooth. Just pull out the wisdom tooth, because we seldom put food behind this back to chew, so pulling out the wisdom tooth will not affect the chewing function.

However, if the tooth decay occurs in the second largest molar in front of the wisdom tooth, it is very troublesome. In clinical practice, we often find that the wisdom tooth inclines forward, causing tooth decay in the place where it contacts the second largest molar in front. The tooth decay in this place is usually very close to the dental pulp cavity, and often requires root canal treatment (nerve pumping). Even if there is no need for nerve pumping, this position is also very difficult to fill, and sometimes crown growth surgery is needed to restore the teeth.

The odontogenic cyst of cyst is often found when taking the ring mouth X ray film. Although the wisdom tooth is buried in the bone, there is no problem of the above two items, but the tooth with the most common odontogenic cyst is the lower wisdom tooth. The treatment usually requires general anesthesia in the operating room to remove the cyst and wisdom tooth, but there is a risk of jaw fracture or permanent nerve paralysis. Therefore, even if the doctor estimates that it is not necessary to pull out the wisdom teeth, it is also recommended to take a ring X ray film every year to observe the condition of the wisdom teeth.

What are the risks of wisdom tooth extraction? Generally, wisdom teeth are recommended to be pulled out when the root grows 1/3 to 1/2, usually about 18-20 years old. The older you get, the slower and worse the wound recovers. If there are other systemic diseases in your body, it will be more difficult to deal with. In addition, if the depth of the wisdom tooth is deeper, the probability of damaging the inferior alveolar nerve and blood vessels in the process of extraction is also greater.

Do wisdom teeth have other uses? When the teeth in front of the wisdom teeth are missing or cannot be reshaped, we can use the correction method to pull the wisdom teeth forward to restore the normal occlusion function. Or when the molar tooth is missing, the wisdom tooth shall be completely extracted, and the wisdom tooth shall be autotransplanted to the missing tooth. In addition, wisdom teeth can also be used as the abutment teeth of the dental bridge, which means the traditional saying "three dentures are needed to pull out one tooth". When the second molar is pulled out and you do not want to implant teeth, if the situation permits, the first molar in front and the wisdom teeth behind can be used as the support to make three connected dental bridges to restore the function of the second molar.

The following figure shows the left wisdom tooth of the lower jaw, which is deep and close to the lower alveolar nerve (between the upper and lower red lines). Compared with the right wisdom tooth, the risk of nerve injury is relatively high.

Be your backup 2024-05-25 02:54:14
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