
How to convert RMB into "heart"?

Flowing thoughts and dreams
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It seems that no matter where you put a "heart", it will not feel abrupt. The stage curtain can be enclosed in a heart shape with flowers, the class party can be enclosed in a heart shape with balloons on the wall of the dining room, and the advertisement can be enclosed in a heart shape with candles. Let's share with you how to fold a heart with RMB.

Operation method

Fold the RMB into two triangles, turn over and then fold the other two corners into triangles. The folded lines are shown in the second figure below.

Fold one section of RMB along the crease into the shape of the first figure below, and the other side is folded in the same way.

Press the turning corners of the triangle down from the middle into four small squares.

Turn up the two corners of each small square and press it down to the shape shown in the figure.

At this time, the middle distance of the "heart" is very wide. You can indent the middle distance behind to make the "heart" compact.

In this step, the RMB is in a diamond shape. Turn back the upper part of the diamond, as shown in the second figure below. To make the heart shape beautiful, fold back the bottom tip of the heart shape.

Here a beautiful "heart" will be folded.

hot tip

It is a good choice to use the red sun to fold a heart for your wife or girlfriend and put it in your wallet.

The length of the RMB is ideal.

Before folding the heart shape with white paper or cardboard, it is better to cut the paper according to the proportion of RMB. If the length is not long enough, the heart shape will be very strange or even can not be folded into the "heart" shape.

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Flowing thoughts and dreams 2024-05-19 11:41:53
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