
How to change the registration form of foreign trade operators

The sea embraces all rivers
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In case of any change in the name, address, legal representative, business term and other information of the company, the filing registration form of foreign trade operators must also be changed accordingly. Even if the content of the business license changes, the foreign trade operator registration form must also be changed, otherwise it may affect the company's import and export business. Here's how to change the foreign trade operator registration form.

Operation method

Before we go to change the registration of foreign trade operators, we must first change the business license. For example, if we want to change the name of the company, we must first change the name on the business license. After the business license is changed, a copy of it will be made for use;

After the business license is changed, open the Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System to find the information of your own enterprise;

After finding the information of your own enterprise, print Enterprise Basic Information;

After printing the Enterprise Basic Information, open the platform of the Ministry of Commerce and find the module of Foreign Trade Operator Registration Form;

Find the Foreign Trade Operator Filing and Registration Form module and click Filing and Registration on the left;

Click [Record Registration] on the left to select the record authority and record registration method; General selection of filing authority: region, filing registration method: unified social credit code. After selection, click Submit;

Click Submit to fill in the information that needs to be changed by the enterprise, and then save and submit it. After submission, the filled Foreign Trade Operator Filing Registration Form will be generated online, and the generated Foreign Trade Operator Filing Registration Form will be printed out;

After printing the Record Registration Form of Foreign Trade Operators, go to the Ministry of Commerce with the official seal, the original business license, the old Record Registration Form of Foreign Trade Operators, the printed Enterprise Information Form, and the Record Registration Form of Foreign Trade Operators filled in and printed online to handle the change. After the change, The Ministry of Commerce will issue a new Record Registration Form for Foreign Trade Operators.

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The sea embraces all rivers 2024-05-15 20:16:24
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