
These three fruits are powerful, but they are likely to die alone!

Epiphyllum reticulatum
Favorable reply

Among the pirate king, the fruit is very powerful, but there are three kinds of fruits. You'd better not eat them. After eating them, you may not find another half in your life! Because these fruits are really disgusting

Operation method

First, the sticky fruit is very strong, and Torepol uses it very well. At the beginning, many people argued about whether the fruit is a natural or superman system. In fact, it is Superman's fruit ability. But you'd better not eat this fruit. After eating it, you will have a big nose. Officially, although any part of the body can secrete mucus, we know that nasal mucus is also mucus.

Sticky fruit ability: it can turn any part of the body into mucus. Usually, it covers the body with mucus, so you can't damage it without attacking the real body. Capable people can produce thick, brown, slippery mucus from any part of the body. Even clothes can become mucus, and even nasal mucus can become mucus. The capable person can shoot from a long distance from the mucus secreted by the body. The mucus secreted from the stone wall can be pierced with only one blow. It can stick and fix the target, which can make the opponent unable to move freely. Moreover, the tenacity of the mucus cannot be destroyed by ordinary methods. It can also let some mucus touch the target, stick the target and pull or pull it. At the same time, the mucus secreted by itself is flammable, and just lighting a flame can cause a big explosion

Second: The poisonous fruit is also too much. Like the sticky fruit above, the fruit can't help expelling poison after eating it, and the poisonous fruit keeps diarrhea. You want to go to the movies with your girlfriend. You have diarrhea in the toilet all the time. Who can stand it?

Poisonous fruit ability: a kind of demon fruit superman system in the Pirate King, which can release poison. The poisoned person can only be saved by getting Magellan's antidote. Magellan accidentally breathes poisonous gas on food when eating, so he has diarrhea for 10 hours a day.

Third: marsh fruit marsh fruit is also natural, kidnapped many mermaids on the mermaid island, the original body of such a fruit with unlimited capacity, he was so wasteful. And it is particularly obscene. But don't eat this fruit easily. After eating it, you will be covered with mud, water and water!

Swamp fruit ability: The ability person is "wet hair" Kalib. The whole body can become liquid soil, and can also change the surrounding environment to make it swamp, and can turn any part of the body into a bottomless swamp like mud. Any object that touches its muddy body will be sucked into the body of the capable person like being trapped in a bottomless swamp. It is temporarily known that the capacity of the object in which its body is trapped is unlimited. In the state of slurrying, they are afraid of being sealed in closed containers.

Epiphyllum reticulatum 2024-05-18 21:24:29
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