
Can plastic microwave oven heat

Happy Angel
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Plastic microwave ovens can heat food, but the following points should be noted:

1. The plastic containers suitable for the use of microwave ovens must be plastic containers marked with "Use of Microwave Oven". These containers have been specially treated and can withstand high temperature and microwave radiation.

2. Avoid using damaged or aged plastic containers, as these containers may release harmful substances.

3. Avoid using plastic containers containing metal, because metal will cause microwave radiation reflection, which will lead to sparks in the microwave oven.

4. Do not heat the sealed plastic container in the microwave oven, because the pressure inside the container may cause the container to explode.

5. When using plastic containers to heat food, pay attention to the temperature of food to avoid deformation or melting of plastic containers due to excessive heating.

In short, the correct use of plastic containers suitable for microwave ovens can safely heat food. But in the process of use, we must pay attention to safety and hygiene to avoid potential safety hazards.

Happy Angel 2024-04-17 14:54:14
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