
What is the New Third Board?

Tianshan Snow Lotus
Favorable reply

NEEQ is the third national SME equity trading platform approved by the State Council and uniformly supervised by the CSRC after the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange; In 2006? Year 1? Month 23? Date of establishment, code starts with 430;

Operation method

Pilot project in Zhongguancun in 2006;

In 2012, Shanghai Zhangjiang, Wuhan and Tianjin were expanded;

Before listing, it was reviewed by the law firm and accounting firm of the Equity Trading Center for half a year, and after the review was passed.

Companies listed on the NEEQ are expected to be listed on the main board in 2-3 years, and now enterprises will undertake to have a fixed annual dividend of 8%, which is disclosed by the state policy. One year after the NEEQ is listed, if they meet the conditions, they can be transferred to the GEM.

The expected return after listing is more than ten times. At present, investing in NEEQ is a very stable and competitive investment, unlike the uncertainty of the stock market.

Tianshan Snow Lotus 2024-05-19 17:31:46
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Reits concept 2020-07-27

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