
Making method of three-dimensional Christmas tree

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Since the baby went to kindergarten, the school has held a Christmas manual activity every year, requiring the baby and his family to complete a work about Christmas. We have made a paper Christmas tree, and now we will share the method of making a three-dimensional Christmas tree.

Operation method

Use a slightly hard paper to circle it, as shown in the figure;

Cut the large part at the bottom with scissors, as shown in the figure;

Take out a piece of green paper and draw a U shape on it, as shown in the figure;

Fold the paper in half according to the drawn U-shaped size, as shown in the figure;

Use scissors to cut out many U-shaped green papers.

Use solid adhesive to stick the U-shaped paper on the looped paper drum.

Stand up the paper cylinder and stick it from bottom to top.

Prepare a piece of orange plush thread and a red pentagram.

Stick the red stars on the top, and then surround the Christmas tree with orange wool. Finally, use red wool to tie many small bows on the orange wool as decoration.

Who dares to exchange heart with me 2024-05-14 19:06:53
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Q: What's the name of Song Taizong

A: Tai Zong's original name was Kuang Yi. Later, he changed his name to Guang Yi because he avoided his brother Song Taizu's taboo. After he ascended the throne, he changed his name to Jiong. Among his brothers, except those who died early, Tai Zong ranked in the middle, 12 years younger than Tai Zu and 8 years older than Emperor Taizong of Qin, like Zhao Tingmei. At the age of 22, he participated in the Chenqiao mutiny, established his brother Zhao Kuangyin as the emperor, and participated in the great cause of Taizu's unification. After the death of Taizu, Zhao Guangyi, 38, ascended the throne as Emperor Taizong. He reigned for 22 years and died at the age of 59. He was the second emperor of the Song Dynasty. After Taizong ascended the throne, he continued the unified cause that began in the late Zhou Dynasty, encouraged reclamation, developed agricultural production, expanded the scale of imperial examinations, compiled large-scale books, set up an examination and trial court, strengthened the inspection and selection of officials, further restricted the power of thrifty envoys, and tried to change the situation of military men in power and establish civil politics. These measures conformed to the historical trend and made important contributions to the stability of the Song Dynasty. However, because of his eagerness for success and profit, several Northern Expeditions against Liao were frustrated, and Taizong turned to the policy of defending the interior and denying the exterior. In his later years, the political plan followed the rules, which made the Song Dynasty gradually become poor and weak, and brought adverse effects to the social development of the Song Dynasty. To fully understand the policy measures of Emperor Taizong's reign, we should start from his succession. According to the system of inheritance by the first born son of the feudal dynasty, Zhao Guangyi had no chance with the throne of the Song Dynasty, but it was he who inherited his brother's inheritance in the end. This special inheritance result had a very important impact on the politics of Taizong Dynasty, which was even contrary to Taizong's personal character and life.

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