
The cheapest game in history Introduction 1-20 levels (Part I)

Online Nearest Neighbor
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Operation method

Click the button in the white dialog box three times.

First top the second brick until the diamond appears, and then take the diamond to pass.

When two fingers click on the character's face to shrink inward, the character will become thinner.

Turn on the TV, adjust the channel to the romantic film three times, and then turn the two characters around.

This level is related to gravity. Turn the phone upside down to pass.

Click the place where you can draw X with two fingers at the same time, and you can pass the test.

First click Penguin Open, then x out the message, and drag the penguin into the trash can.

Use your two fingers to shorten the tall man.

Drag the Altman on the left and put it in front of the monster to block the monster.

Drag the Monkey King to kill Pig Bajie.

Don't be affected by the moving people. Just click me 5 times in the bubble box.

Turn the phone up and throw it away.

First throw away the soap, and then click 3 different places.

This level needs to drag the small yellow ball to the box at the lower left corner.

This level needs to drag three people in blue clothes together to eliminate it.

When the symbol above lights up the tree, click the yellow and blue buttons at the bottom.

Click the phone on the screen and shake the phone.

Click the button on the speaker to see three small lightning flashes on the speaker.

Click the tattoo several times to erase it.

You only need to turn the phone to the left.

Online Nearest Neighbor 2024-04-21 01:08:00
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