
Six breakfast recipes for babies

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The plan of the day is in the morning. Everyone knows that breakfast every day is the most important meal among the three meals every day. People say that breakfast should be like an emperor, and children are growing up, so they need more correct nutrition. The following is a small compilation of breakfast recipes for children. I hope all parents can make a nutritious breakfast for babies. Breakfast Recipe 1: Milk, eggs, cornflakes Main ingredients: a cup of milk, a boiled egg, a small bag of cornflakes. Method: Heat the milk, pour cornflakes and serve. Tips: 1. Eggs can be sliced with an egg cutter and dipped in tomato sauce or soy sauce to increase children's interest. There are egg cutters in supermarkets, which can be cut vertically or horizontally. 2. There are also corn flakes supermarkets with many varieties, such as Nestle's Crispy Valley Music, Egg Milk Star, and many imported ones with various flavors. Breakfast recipe 2: fresh milk soft cake, smooth shredded liver, vegetable juice Raw materials: 50g fresh milk, 200g flour, 1 raw egg, 100g raw pig liver, 30g shredded bamboo shoots, and some starch. Practice (fresh milk egg cake): knock the eggs into the starch, mix them well, and then slowly inject fresh milk to make a paste. Add some vegetable oil to the preheated pan, pour a tablespoon into it, and spread it into an egg cake. Practice (smooth liver): shred raw pig liver and blanch it in boiling water. Stir fry chopped scallions and shredded ginger in a pan of oil to create a fragrance. Add refined salt in the water starch, stir fry the shredded bamboo shoots, and then add the shredded liver that controls the drying water. Add a small amount of garlic slices before cooking. Breakfast recipe 3: milk, cake, fruit Main ingredients: a cup of milk, cake, fruit. How to do it: heat the milk, wash the fruit and eat it. You can buy the cake off the shelf. If you have an oven at home, put it in the oven and bake it to taste more delicious. Tip: If you feel that drinking milk every day is too monotonous, you can change your taste and add some Le Kou Fu or chocolate sauce. What's your baby's breakfast recipe What food should you eat for your baby's breakfast Recipe 4: millet porridge, rolls, salted duck eggs Main raw materials: millet, rice, salted duck eggs, rolls (frozen). Method: 1 portion of millet and 6 portions of rice are boiled into porridge, salted duck eggs are boiled and cut, and rolls are steamed. Description: This is an ordinary home-made breakfast, suitable for eating in summer. The combination of coarse and fine grains makes nutrition more comprehensive. Breakfast Recipe 5: Red bean and sweet potato porridge, barbecue buns Main raw materials: rice, a little red bean, some fresh sweet potato, barbecue buns (buy ready-made ones, meat buns can also be bought) Practice: wash and peel the sweet potato and cut it into dices, rice and red beans boil the porridge, and add the sweet potato dices to cook slightly when it is about to mature; Steamed steamed buns can be eaten. Tip: If you find it too troublesome to process fresh yams, you can buy dried yams, cut them into small dices, and boil them with rice and red beans. Breakfast recipe 6: shrimp egg dumplings, spinach tofu soup Raw materials: 20g shrimp, 1 egg, 25g spinach, 50g tofu. Breakfast is matched with breakfast, 5g pork lean meat stuffing, garlic sprouts, starch, ginger, and onions. Method (shrimp egg dumplings). In the morning, add an egg into a proper amount of dry starch, and add water to make a paste. Add vegetable oil to the pan, pour a tablespoon of egg paste into the pan, and spread it gently into small egg cakes. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the shrimp fillings simmered the night before last, wrap them into the prepared egg cakes, and steam them in a steamer for 8 minutes. Practice (spinach and bean curd soup): wash and dice the bean curd, and put it into boiling water. One minute later, put the washed spinach into the pot, turn off the fire, and light a small amount of refined salt and sesame oil. Note: Tofu has a history of more than 2000 years in China. Every 100 grams of tofu contains 15.1 grams of protein, 286 milligrams of calcium, 156 milligrams of phosphorus, 7.2 milligrams of iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other essential nutrients for the human body. And baby is easy to digest, it is a good choice for baby to eat.

Handle affairs steadily 2024-05-08 14:42:58
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