
Which city is Jinling

Happiness is far away
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Jinling refers to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. In ancient times, Nanjing was one of the important political, cultural and economic centers in China, and also one of the ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties in Chinese history. In the urban area of Nanjing, there are many famous historical and cultural sites and attractions, such as the Ming Tomb of Xiaoling, the Sun Yat sen Mausoleum, the Confucius Temple, the Qinhuai River, and so on, which are important components of Nanjing's history and culture.

Happiness is far away 2024-04-16 08:08:50
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Q: The secret recipe of cucumber shrimp dumplings

Answer: 1. Chop cucumber, mince pork, mince garlic, and beat eggs for later use. 2. Add cucumber, shrimps and garlic into pork, chop them, add egg liquid and stir well. 3. Wrap the filling with dough and boil it in boiling water. Cucumis sativus L. is an annual trailing or climbing herb of Cucurbitaceae. Stems and branches are elongated, furrowed, and covered with white hispid hairs. Tendrils are thin. The petiole is slightly rough, with coarse bristles; Leaf blade broadly ovate cordate, membranous, lobes triangular, dentate. It is monoecious. Male flowers: constant flowers clustered in leaf axils; Pedicel slender, puberulent; Corolla yellowish white, corolla lobes oblong lanceolate. Female flowers: solitary or sparsely clustered; Pedicel stout, pilose; Ovary rough. The fruit is oblong or cylindrical, yellow green when ripe, with rough surface. Seeds small, narrowly ovoid, white, without margin, both ends nearly acute. The flowering and fruiting period is summer.

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