
Location map and function of Taibai acupoints

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Operation method

As shown in the figure, Taibai point is on the inside of the foot, in the depression below the head of the first metatarsal bone.

Pressing Taibai has the effect of slimming thighs. Friends who want to slim thighs may wish to press Taibai more often.

Some friends have heavy moisture in their bodies, itchy fingers, toes, and eczema. Using finger pressure to press Taibai point can relieve and treat eczema.

Taibai point can alleviate or treat some gastrointestinal problems, such as stomach pain, abdominal distention, bowel ringing, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, beriberi, weight pain, dysentery.

Taibai point can relieve beriberi, red and swollen beriberi and other diseases. Usually, patients with beriberi can press this point more to relieve beriberi.

Pressing Taibai point has the effect of stopping diarrhea, which can be used by patients with diarrhea and dysentery. In addition, massaging Taibai point can also relieve constipation.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Taibai point is an important point for invigorating the spleen, so massaging Taibai point can treat a variety of spleen deficiency symptoms.

For your return 2024-05-08 13:03:03
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