
How do you convert liters and kilograms

Quietness follows fate
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Many friends asked Xiao Bian how to convert liters and kilograms. Strictly speaking, they are different units, liters are volume units, and kilograms are weight units. It is impossible to convert normally, but only to see whether the values are consistent.

Operation method

First of all, let's understand the definition of the lower liter. One liter is one cubic decimeter, and the size of the volume space is generally the same as that of the large cup used by construction workers to drink water. The conversion method with other volume units is as follows.

Kg, generally used only in China, 1 kg=1 kg. Many people are vague about the concept of 1 kg, so it is almost the weight of 4 apples.

Let's look at the comparison between liters and kilograms. We can calculate the relationship between the two by density. For example, the density of water is 1kg/dm ^ 3, and 1 liter of water is basically equal to 1 kilogram, that is, kilograms.

However, if it is gas or other substances, the mass of 1 liter of these substances is inconsistent. For example, 1 liter of oil is about 0.9 kg, 1 liter of gold is 19.26 kg, and 1 liter of oxygen is 0.001429 g. Therefore, one liter of different substances corresponds to different kilograms.

In addition, the Chinese people have another definition of liter. I believe many people have heard or seen that the concept of a liter meter is 4 kilograms, which is also 8 kilograms, because the original algorithm is 8 liang for half a kilogram.

Although there is no direct conversion between liters and kilograms, we can link them by density. When we express liters, kilograms will also be reflected.

hot tip

Note that temperature will cause density changes

Quietness follows fate 2024-05-26 03:07:01
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