
Symptoms of cervical erosion

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According to the size of cervical erosion area, cervical erosion is divided into grade I, II and III clinically.

Main symptoms

Leucorrhea increased: Leucorrhea increased as the main symptom of the disease. Usually, the purulent secretion of leucorrhea, which is milky white or yellowish in color, is not clear, and sometimes it is bloody or mixed with blood filaments.

Vulva itching pain: Vulvovaginal itching pain can be caused by secondary vulvitis or vaginitis due to increased stimulation of leucorrhea.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region: when the inflammation is severe, it can spread along the uterosacral ligament and main ligament, resulting in pelvic connective tissue inflammation, which can lead to nausea and fatigue, causing pain in the lower abdomen or lumbosacral region, accompanied by a sense of falling.

Frequent urination or dysuria: When the inflammation spreads to the bladder triangle or around the bladder, frequent urination or dysuria may occur.

Infertility: sticky leucorrhea is not conducive to sperm penetration, so severe cervicitis can cause infertility.

Change yourself 2024-05-05 00:10:26
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