
How to use the projector

Favorable reply

Now the price of the projector is declining, and more ordinary users will have more and more opportunities to access and use the projector. However, after all, the projector is a high-end peripheral device, which is relatively "delicate". If you want it to work safely and reliably, you must master some skills and precautions.

Operation method

Before using the specified power supply and connecting the power supply, the user should pay attention to the nominal value of the power supply voltage and the grounding. Because when the projector and the signal source (such as PC) are connected to different power supplies, there may be a high potential difference between the two zero lines. When users plug in or pull out signal lines or other circuits with power on, a spark will occur between the plug and socket, damaging the signal input circuit, which may not only damage the projector, but also cause fire in serious cases. Therefore, it is better to use the power cord attached with the projector, and ensure that the socket connected to the power cord is reliably grounded.

Connect the projector on demand Can the projector only be connected to the computer for demonstration? Not completely. In actual use, it is often necessary to use other auxiliary equipment to make it easier to use. For example, when using the projector for teaching, you can connect a VGA Multimedia distributor between the projector and the computer, so that two or more VGA signals can be led from the distributor. The operator can send one of the signals to the projector for output and the other to the color display for output, so that the teacher can look at the display and explain in class, It is not necessary to look back at the projection screen often to affect teaching.

It is better not to let the projector work in an environment with too strong light, or the display effect of the projector will be reduced. To this end, users can install curtains in the room to block the outdoor light; The wall and floor of the room should be made of materials that are not reflective, because these details will affect the fidelity and clarity of the image.

Attention shall be paid to the adaptability between system equipment. Projectors are often used together with other equipment to achieve various purposes. Therefore, attention shall be paid to the connection and matching between equipment. For example, if a projector with XGA (1024 × 768) resolution is connected to a video booth with only SVGA (800 × 600) resolution, its display resolution cannot reach XGA. Only when the projector is well connected and matched with other equipment, can the entire display system play a better role, and will not cause waste of resources.

original 2024-05-14 05:56:30
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