
Homemade Bitter Melon Egg Cake

Elegant and indifferent
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Balsam pear has the effect of relieving heat and diuresis, and is a good food in summer. Bitter gourd, as its name implies, is bitter. Some people can't eat it if they can't handle it well. Today, I recommend another method of bitter gourd, which is nutritious and delicious to reduce the bitter taste.

Operation method

Wash the balsam pear and cut it into small pieces. Put it in a container.

Beat the eggs directly onto the balsam pear cubes and add salt.

Stir to make it mixed evenly.

Put oil on the stove. Heat the oil, pour in the balsam pear egg liquid, and spread it into cakes as far as possible.

After frying on one side, turn over the other side. After the egg liquid has solidified, take it out of the pot.

Elegant and indifferent 2024-05-17 00:38:21
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