
How to display iphoneqq online

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Operation method

Click your avatar on QQ, as shown:

As shown in the figure, click "Data" and then click "Edit Data":

Enter "Using QQ for iPhone 6S" in the text box of "Personal Signature", and click "Save", as shown:

The following is the effect picture after successful display:

The past is over 2024-05-02 09:28:09
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Q: What bird is Hou Yi shooting the sun

Answer: The bird of Hou Yi shooting the sun is a crow. The story content of Hou Yi shooting the sun: In ancient times, there was a serious drought on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass. It turned out that Dijun and Xi had 10 children, all of whom were Sun. They lived in the East and Overseas. There was a big tree called Fusang in the sea. Ten suns sleep under the branches, and take turns to run out to work in the sky and shine on the earth. But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi used his bow and arrow to shoot at the nine suns. Only saw the sky burst fireballs, falling one by one three legged crows. At last, there was only one sun in the sky. Hou Yi, also known as "Yi Yi", is said to be the leader of Youqiong clan of the Dongfang nationality in the Xia Dynasty, who was good at archery. At that time, Tai Kang, the son of "Qi", the king of Xia, was engaged in recreational hunting and ignored political affairs, so he was expelled by Hou Yi. After Taikang's death, Hou Yi made Zhongkang, Taikang's younger brother, King of Xia, with real power in Hou Yi's hands. But Hou Yi only went hunting in all directions, and was later killed by his trusted follower "Han Zhuo".

How to make dough sticks 2020-03-03

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