
How to avoid the side effects of negative heels? Watch out for fakes!

The sky is blue
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Negative heel shoes are serious scientific leading products and professional medical rehabilitation products. The Institute of Human Mechanics has won three national invention patents, is the legitimate owner of negative heel shoes technology, and has published many scientific papers. Research based on negative heel shoes papers has also won provincial and ministerial medical research science and technology awards. The authentic negative heel shoes ensure that there are no side effects.
Chen Shulian, chief orthopedic physician, said that the principle of negative heel shoes is similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. The leaning tower is on the verge of collapsing forward. Architects take soil from the rear foundation to reduce the height of the rear foundation, so as to maintain the stability of the tower body. The heel of negative heel shoes is also high in the front and low in the back. Using the foundation function of the sole, the center of gravity of the human body is forced to move backward, which can effectively reduce the forward tilt of the pelvis and lumbar curvature. Negative heel shoes can make people's center of gravity move backward for patients with lumbar injury, so they can effectively alleviate the problem of excessive lumbar bone pressure. Chen Shulian said that many lumbar injuries are caused by chronic soft tissue injuries caused by long-term bad posture, which then lead to lumbar muscle strain. More seriously, the lumbar bone will be in a long-term forward protruding state, causing damage to the lumbar bone due to excessive stress, or even causing lumbar bulge.
Negative heel shoes force the body's center of gravity to move backward, which can effectively reduce the pelvic forward tilt and lumbar curvature, and relieve the lumbar bone pressure. Therefore, many doctors have recommended patients to use negative heel shoes in professional papers. The posture adjustment method based on negative heel shoes has also won the provincial and ministerial medical science and technology awards, which further supports the scientificity of negative heel shoes. If someone can point out the side effects of negative heel shoes, You can get an academic award of 30000 yuan. Academic and scientific research are open. Beijing Zhengzhiben Human Research Institute has always been open to any academic exchange. The research on negative heels welcomes anyone's participation in order to promote the development of scientific cause and benefit human health. Even if it can point out a better posture correction scheme than negative heel shoes, it will also receive an academic award of 10000 yuan. This reward has been offered for ten years, and no one has announced it yet!

Operation method

Simulated experience of negative heel shoes: barefoot or wear flat shoes, step on a book with a thickness of 2cm with your forefoot, and step on the ground with your heel.

Feel whether the center of gravity has moved backward, and whether the waist is more straight than before. This is what doctors call the corrective function.

Keeping a good upright posture is not only conducive to recovery, but also conducive to reducing recurrence. It is completely harmless to healthy people and can prevent lumbar strain.

hot tip

Chen Shulian stressed that the key to choosing shoes with negative heels is to look at the outside of the sole. Because normal people's foot pressure is outward, the outer side of the shoe is severely worn. Negative heel shoes will increase the pressure deflection. Therefore, for good negative heel shoes, the outer side of the sole must be moderately raised to reduce the pressure on the outer side and reduce damage.

For online criticism, it is necessary to first determine whether the goods purchased are fake. Nowadays, fake goods are rampant, and the incitement of false propaganda is very strong, attracting many people to buy them. The difference between fake products and genuine products is not only the product itself, but also the after-sale rehabilitation guidance guarantee. If there are any problems with genuine products in use, they will receive professional rehabilitation guidance, and any problems can be solved. Moreover, the number of consultations will be free, and the rehabilitation files will be set up free of charge. These are things that fake products cannot do and cannot be copied, If you have problems with fake goods, you have to ask for help everywhere.

The sky is blue 2024-05-16 01:56:15
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