
How can I shorten the skirt if it's too long

Ten li Peach Forest Drunk in Spring
Favorable reply

There are many good clothes and fabrics, but after a few years the style has gone out of fashion, we often put them in a group. It's wasteful to not wear them. In fact, we can change them ourselves and make them come alive. For example, the length of skirts can be changed. A few years ago, skirts were popular. In recent years, short skirts are popular. We can shorten long skirts ourselves.

Operation method

This is a long skirt. The fabric is very well made and it fits well. However, short skirts have become popular in recent years. I want to cut them short. In fact, it's very easy.

First, determine the length you want. You can wear it on your body and draw a line with a ruler, that is, along the edge. Then use scissors to cut off the too long skirt.

The skirt that has been cut is a raw edge. We can fold one edge on the sewing machine, sew it once, and wear it on our body.

The former long skirt is now a mid skirt, which is just near the knee and can be worn again.

All long skirts can be changed into short skirts. For example, if the A-line skirt is too long, we can cut it to the size we need.

With one edge folded, the extra fabric can also be made into two small pockets, or cut materials can also be made into auricle edges, which can be inserted on the edge of the skirt, not only shortening the skirt, but also changing it into a lively style. Go and tidy up your wardrobe.

Ten li Peach Forest Drunk in Spring 2024-05-20 15:53:21
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A: It is not a national regulation to set up air defense alert in commemoration of the September 18th Incident, but a regulation of local municipal governments or air defense offices under municipal governments according to local conditions. In Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and other places, the trial air defense alarm was not scheduled to be sounded on September 19, but on the third Saturday of September every year (the National Defense Education Day), which happened to be 919 this year. Moreover, due to the epidemic situation in 2020, the national CET-4 and CET-6 test was postponed to this Saturday (September 19). In order not to affect the listening test, Tianjin's latest notice of air defense alert has been postponed to the 20th. For example, in Northeast China, it is set at 918, which can be understood by everyone. It should have been Shenyang, the place where the "September 18th Incident" took place at the earliest. At the beginning, it was 10:30 p.m., because it was 10:30 p.m. on September 18, 1931, when the Japanese army bombed the Liutiaohu Railway and attacked Shenyang. Later, considering that most of the citizens had a rest at 10:30, the municipal government changed the alarm time to 9:18-21 p.m. on September 18 every year. Not only did the alarm sound, but also the city's cars stopped on the roads and honked their horns for three minutes to commemorate the "September 18" incident.

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