
Eight Precautions for Raising Pet Turtles

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Operation method

Variety selection. There are many kinds of tortoises. Their body shapes, back armor shapes and colors also have their own advantages. The range of choices is very wide. After understanding the varieties you like, Without violating the relevant laws (some tortoises belong to the endangered species in the Red Book, such as the smallest Egyptian tortoise, the black boot tortoise in China, etc.), you can start. If a novice raises tortoises, it is recommended to raise red legged tortoises and Burmese tortoises, which are very good entry-level varieties and very tough.

Feeding environment. As for the rearing environment of tortoises, different arrangements are required according to different breeds. But for raising most tortoises, a thermostat is required (when the temperature is low, tortoises will stop eating, or even begin hibernation.), and suitable bedding materials are selected. There should be a small water basin or pool, but not too deep, or the tortoises will drown.

Temperature control. The tortoise belongs to reptile and is a kind of temperature changing animal, so they need to use external heat source to regulate their body temperature and maintain the enzyme activity in their bodies. So temperature is also very important for tortoises. If the tortoise is kept at an unsuitable temperature for a long time, it will easily lead to the metabolic disorder of the tortoise and eventually die. So temperature control is also very important.

Humidity control. Humidity is also very important in the process of raising tortoises. Although improper humidity is not fatal for tortoises, it will affect the beauty of the back armor (nail augmentation) and the size of the body. So don't be lazy. It is very necessary to maintain a proper humidity.

Lighting (UVB lights or sunlight). Turtles need UVB radiation to promote the synthesis of their own calcium. In summer, you can also bask in the sun every day, but in winter, it is better to buy a UVB and provide proper lighting every day. Only in this way can the tortoise have a strong body and grow beautiful back armor. (For calcium supplementation, the owner can add some pet calcium supplements in daily feeding)

Take a bath (discharge acid). When raising tortoises, some tortoises from water shortage areas such as deserts are very easy to accumulate uric acid in their bodies, which forms stones over time. So at this time, it needs the careful care of the owner to help them discharge acid. Bathing is to use high temperature hot water for bathing, two to three times a week, which is a bit cumbersome, but it is indispensable for the health of pet turtles.

feed. Feeding tortoises feels like a dog. Turtles are usually vegetarians, so we only need to prepare some common fruits and vegetables for daily feeding. But we must pay attention to the rationalization of the diet structure, and do not feed a single vegetable for a long time, which is very easy to malnutrition. So.

Cushion material selection. At present, among the cushion materials that can be used by tortoises on the market, the most recommended one is synthetic plywood, followed by pine wood chips. Other padding materials are not particularly recommended. Of course, if there is no condition to prepare professional padding materials, it is OK to use old newspapers. The bedding material must be cleaned or replaced regularly, otherwise it is easy to breed germs and endanger the life and health of pet tortoises.

General construction on the road to success 2024-04-19 02:30:29
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