
Dream Guild Maze Introduction

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Maybe many players will notice that every time they open a guild maze, a large number of televisions will be displayed when opening a treasure box. In addition, many guilds are collecting teams to brush the maze. Why do more and more people choose to brush the maze? What are the rewards of the maze? Then read on, I believe you can't wait to brush the maze.
First, let's talk about a good team. What can we get from the gang maze! As long as you do as follows, you can get 225 gang tribute with 25 keys properly and 25 keys properly. As for the reward of goods, it depends on your luck. But if it is five, on average, the profit of a gang maze will be slightly less than three times that of catching ghosts, higher than that of the copy activities of the sky and watching plays (you have to enchant the clay to play the key), as well as the gang tribute, For two hours, each number has more than 200 gang tribute, which is very good for Wukai who lacks gang tribute.
OK, After a brief introduction of the benefits, some players may say that I have also been through the maze, and there is no such good benefit. It is impossible to get 25 keys! OK, Don't worry, let's introduce the maze process and some tips!
Opening the maze requires someone from the guild to be the master of the maze. It can be opened on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when there is no guild war. It will not be repeated here.

Operation method

The first step is to kill the invaders in the clear wind and dense forest. Each 25 and 100 trust points can go on to the next round. The next round will go on immediately after four strokes, because there is no reward for the invaders.

In the second ring, the filthy gas nest forest kills 10 filthy gas demons, which is also easy. After 2-3 rounds of hanging up, the filthy gas demons have a chance to get a silver key. According to statistics, the chance is about 1/4. That is more than 2 silver keys.

The following content highlights the three talents of heaven, earth and man. They want to kill three monsters. Each monster gets 1 gold and 1 silver! The difficulty of the heaven, earth and human three talents is higher than before. In addition, someone should cooperate to kill the eyes of the array. That is, after entering the battle of the three talents, the corresponding monsters will be painted in the dirty nest forest above, and other teams need to kill them. Of course, it's OK not to kill the main monster. The main monster will be killed three times by Lao Shi's virtual image, which means that you have to kill three times to kill one. It will slow down the speed. It is strongly recommended to make an appointment with other teams to help each other kill the array eye, because the array eye also has a key reward.

After playing Sancai, enter the last link, go to the water without source and kill Taoist Lao Shih. This is the BOSS of the maze. The output is not high, but the blood is unusually high! Every monster is a blood ghost! The front row is Lingbo City, and the back row is square. They can use the Five Thunder Curse and Seal. The front row mechanism person will always protect the main monster. BOSS suggested that we should concentrate on one by one to save time.

You can get 1 gold and 1 silver after killing the main monster. After killing the main monster, you can kill the small monsters in the water without source. This is the place to brush the keys. Kill as many small monsters as possible, because each small monster can get a silver key. Each small monster takes about 5-6 rounds! Generally, 7-8 keys can be killed. The little monster also has more blood, and the output is not high, so it can hang up.

Basically, when the maze progress is at 90, two ancient snakes will be painted, with coordinates around 217.170. Teams with good configuration can challenge, and each can get 1 gold and 1 silver. The golden dragon will survive 10 rounds, the blue dragon will kill all the monsters in 10 rounds, and the golden dragon will release all the deaths. The blue one is that all the monsters will play blue. Friends with insufficient output are not recommended to challenge. Friends with enough output and good resistance should also fill up their status before entering the fight!

Basically, here we are waiting for the harvest. Here is a map of the water without source. The red circle shows five places to paint the colorful treasure box. The colorful treasure box can be opened without a key. I suggest you open it if you can find it. At the worst, each number has 10 maze points!

go to all lengths 2024-05-24 16:14:37
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