
How to make delicious tremella coconut soup?

Ice light red
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Operation method

Prepare a proper amount of tremella, soak with water, then prepare a proper amount of medlar and jujube, also soak with water, after soaking, you can remove the core of jujube.

Prepare a fresh coconut, dig out the coconut meat and put it on the plate. You can cut it with a knife and chop some.

After soaking the tremella, remove the root, tear it into small pieces, and try to cut it into pieces, so that it is easier to boil the pulp.

Pour the prepared coconut meat into the pot and cook it with tremella.

Put the soaked Chinese wolfberry and jujube into the pot and boil them with tremella and coconut meat.

If you like sweetness, you can also add some rock sugar, cover the pot, and boil the water over high fire.

Turn the water to low heat after boiling, and boil it for about 40 minutes. Cook it slowly in low heat, and the soup will be more delicious.

After cooking, you can eat it. It's delicious and nutritious. Everyone in the family likes it very much, and friends who like it can also do it.

Ice light red 2024-04-15 08:09:53
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