
How do I open the Explorer? PC Explorer Open Tutorials

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Many users do not know what the resource manager is and what its role is. The resource manager is a file management tool of the system. It is very convenient to view all the file resources on the computer. Where can I open it? There are still many unknown users. To help you, I will tell you how to open the computer resource manager.

How to open the resource manager

The easiest way to open the resource manager: press: win+E to open

Right click "My Computer", "My Documents", "My Network Neighborhood", "Recycle Bin" and other icons on the desktop, and select the "Explorer" command in the open menu

Open My Computer and click the Folder button on the toolbar.

Click the Start menu, select Run, and enter: explorer.exe to open the resource manager

Right click the Start button on the taskbar and select Explorer

From the Start menu ->Programs ->Accessories, select Explorer.

Double click the resource manager shortcut icon on the computer desktop. If there is no resource manager icon on the desktop, you can create one. Click Start - Programs - Accessories - Find the resource manager - Select Send to - Desktop shortcut

Missed florescence 2024-05-24 11:10:45
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