
The smallest spider in the world

The vicissitudes of life are drinks
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The smallest spider in the world is the Brazilian toad spider (Patu digua), whose length is only 0.37 mm, which is smaller than a needle.

The Brazilian toad spider is a parasitic spider, which often parasitizes in the body of another spider. They usually live in the tropical rainforest of South America, and the living environment is very harsh. Because of its small size, the eyes of the Brazilian toad spider are also very small, and can only see objects at very close distance.

The life habits and reproductive mode of the Brazilian toad spider are very special. They usually parasitize in other spiders to absorb each other's nutrition. In addition, female individuals of the Brazilian toad spider usually devour male individuals to obtain sufficient nutrition to hatch eggs and reproduce.

In a word, the Brazilian toad spider is a very special spider. Its tiny body and unique living habits make it a hot object of biological research.

The vicissitudes of life are drinks 2024-04-17 22:59:33
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