
How to set default single-sided printing for Ricoh printer 2554 series

Middle aged messenger
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How to set the default single-sided printing method for Ricoh printer MP2554/3054/3554/4054/5054/6054 series, taking MP3054 as an example

Operation method

Click Start on the computer, find the device and printer, and click

The printer icon in the figure appears, including PCL5 and PCL6

If you right-click the icon of MPC3054PCL6 and select the printer preference, the following interface will appear

The default is double-sided, left and right flip. Click on the double-sided position, and the "off" will appear. Selecting "off" means single-sided printing, or directly select the single-sided printing on the left, and then click "apply". In this way, the default printing single-sided is set. When printing double-sided, change it in the printer properties in the corresponding application (such as WORD)

The same is true for PCL5 drivers, as shown in Figure

hot tip

The default values are changed on the settings and the printer icon of the printer. You don't need to change them here to avoid unnecessary trouble

Middle aged messenger 2024-05-14 20:19:21
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