
What is Intel Hyper Threading Technology

A hurried traveler
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Today's Intel Hyper Threading Technology (Intel HT Technology) provides thread level parallelism on each processor, enabling more efficient use of processor resources, increased processing throughput, and enhanced performance of today's and future multithreaded software. Intel Hyper Threading Technology is a performance feature of the new Intel Core i7, Core i5 processors and Intel Xeon 5500 series processors. In short, it can make one core in the processor work in the operating system like two cores. As a result, the available execution resources of the operating system have doubled, greatly improving the overall performance of the system. Working principle The principle of hyper threading technology is very simple. The previous single core processor can only process one work (thread) at a time, If more than one task is to be processed, the previous single core processor is not feasible, so Intel has developed the Hyper Threading technology to simulate a dual core environment with a single core processor, but this does not double the performance of the processor, because there is always only one core in the entity, The efficiency has increased by about 20 to 30 percent. Technical Performance Intel Hyper Threading Technology can help improve performance in many ways. For desktop systems, Intel Hyper Threading Technology can help desktop computers to carry out multiple applications at the same time. For software programmers, through Intel Hyper Threading Technology, you can use more software threads to obtain more computing cores. For servers with higher computing load, Intel Hyper Threading Technology can stimulate the computing potential of each core, which will improve the resource utilization of the system. In a word, Intel Hyper Threading Technology will provide more software threads, so that you can enjoy the application experience of larger memory when computing.

A hurried traveler 2024-05-17 02:58:12
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