
Can I drink red wine when it is hot in the car for a day

Wind at the end of sunset bridge
Favorable reply

The quality of red wine may be affected after it is left in the car at high temperature for one day. High temperature will cause changes in the chemical substances in the wine, thus affecting its taste and flavor. In addition, high temperature will also accelerate the oxidation reaction in the wine, making it more turbid and losing the original fruit flavor.

If you want to maintain the quality of red wine as much as possible, it is recommended not to put it in the car in hot weather. If you have to do this, you can consider putting red wine in the coolest place in the car, such as under the trunk or seat. In addition, you can also put red wine in an insulated bag to slow down the impact of temperature changes.

The best way is not to put red wine in the car in hot weather, so as not to affect its quality. If you need to carry red wine, it is best to put it in a thermal bag and store it in a cool place as soon as possible.

Wind at the end of sunset bridge 2024-04-16 12:33:54
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