
Is the electric car for children safe? What kind of electric car for children is better

The best taste in the world is Qinghuan
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The variety and functions of children's electric toy cars are also different. The children's electric toy cars corresponding to the driving age also affect the safety of children when driving.

First of all, we should consider whether the children's electric cars we buy are safe, whether the materials and workmanship of the cars are qualified, and we should not be greedy for cheap.

When purchasing, try to choose brand models that have passed the safety certification. At least they must have the national 3C certification, and ASTM or CE certification is better.

It is required to prohibit the use of phthalates when purchasing vehicles, so as to avoid problems such as precocious puberty of children.

When playing, try to choose a place where there are few vehicles and the road is flat and spacious. Children under the age of 4 should buy a vehicle remotely controlled by their parents, and children over the age of 5 should choose a vehicle that can be manually controlled by children. However, in the case of heavy traffic and complicated road conditions, parents are recommended to remotely control and accompany them closely.

The best taste in the world is Qinghuan 2024-05-04 07:15:17
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