
Efficacy and Function of Egg Fruit

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields
Favorable reply

Operation method

Passion fruit is rich in vitamin, super fiber, protein and other hundreds of elements that are very beneficial to human body, and its taste and fragrance are extremely beautiful, which can strengthen human resistance and improve immunity. Especially for children and pregnant women, it is very helpful for their physical development and growth.

Eating more Passion Fruit can also delay aging. The rich VC, carotene, SOD enzyme can clear free radicals in the body, and play the role of beauty and anti-aging.

People with poor sleep can eat more Passion Fruit, which can help them fall asleep naturally and sleep deeply, eliminate headaches, dizziness and other phenomena, and also have therapeutic effects on anxiety, nervousness, frequent urination, and panic.

Passion fruit can also detoxify and nourish our skin. Frequent consumption of Passion fruit can effectively prevent constipation and prevent harmful substances from depositing in our bodies, so as to beautify our face and improve our skin.

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields 2024-05-05 17:33:48
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Q: Are mooncakes on fire

A: Although mooncakes are non fried food, they contain high levels of sugar, fat and cholesterol, and generate amazing amounts of heat. If you eat too much, you will get angry. The main reasons are:; 1. Mooncakes are rich in sugar, oil and high in calories. People with oily skin are prone to get inflamed and have acne if they eat too much. 2. Mooncakes are sweet and greasy, and difficult to digest. Eating too much will lead to food accumulation and stomach fire. 3. Most mooncakes are baked. Although the baked food is sweet, it is easy to get angry if you eat more. 4. The moon cake stuffing mostly contains nuts, such as melon seeds and peanuts, which are easy to get hot after eating nuts.

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