
How to create an Android development project

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Download and install Android Studio from the web and open it. Now, you are ready to start your first Android application! First, the name of the android project. Enter it here. Note that the version of android studio we use here is 2.2. Wait for a certain time. This depends on your machine configuration, Android Studio is the only official Android project development ide designated by Google, which has a high degree of function aggregation. At the same time, we will see later that Android Studio adopts a different compilation method from eclipse, namely, the Gradle compilation, and the cloud resource mode (servers are all overseas, and some functions need to climb over the wall to use, drunk). Therefore, don't be dissatisfied with its slow card

Select the corresponding android sdk version. Like IOS, android has many classified versions, ranging from low to high, as well as android wear (watch), android TV (TV), Android auto (car mounted) and other versions. Select the device you want to run the project to and the system version. Here we choose the Android mobile phone project. The version can be 4.0. At present, 4.0 is basically the minimum version. Of course, WeChat, QQ and Alipay are all supported up to version 2.3

Here is the layout file of the Android project. At present, because our project has only one main window, this layout file belongs to the main window. Here is a record of the controls in this window, their positions and arrangement modes. For example, TextView is a text control, and RelativeLayout is a layout control, which is used to control the layout of controls.

This is the compiled configuration file compiled by the dressed gradle, which contains various configuration options in compilation. For those who transfer from eclipse, it takes a lot of brains to understand the various configurations here!

This is the list file of the Android project, which contains the icon settings of the application, as well as activity. Activity is one of the four components of Android, which can be intuitively understood as the forms we see. All activities that need to be displayed need to be registered here

Here is the main java class of the window. The main programming language of Android is the java language. Of course, there is also the ndk that supports c++programming, and the popular front-end scripting method for Android projects. This class represents the main window, and the OnCreat() method will be executed when the interface is started.

Click here to run the Android project written for us by the system. Yes, this is a completed Android project, which is simple, but there are many main components.

The application we started is running in the simulator here. We can create our own simulator and freely customize the configuration of the simulator, including the system version of the simulator

Perfect, our first application has already run. Although it only displays a Hello World text, we have somehow completed an Android application. Later, we just need to package and sign it, confuse encryption, and then release it to the application market for download

Thank you for your experience 2024-05-09 01:50:53
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