
Which foods can kill cancer cells

Silence Blooming
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Many people think that cancer is an incurable disease. What foods can kill cancer cells? Now experts will introduce some common cancer killing foods to you.


Balsam pear: Li Shizhen called it "first-class melon". Balsam pear is treated badly in the folk society. Many people are very "good", but some people keep a distance from it. But it was Li Shizhen, a great medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty, who really gave it a "good status". He called it "first-class melon", a rare anti-cancer melon. Western medicine has also proved that the anticancer effect of balsam pear comes from a kind of quinine protein, which is an active protein that can activate immune cells and kill cancer cells or other abnormal cells through the "second hand" of immune cells. Momordica charantia seeds contain a protease inhibitor, which can inhibit the secretion of protease by tumor cells, thereby inhibiting the invasion and metastasis of cancer cells.

Kiwi fruit: The content of vitamin C is the highest among fruits. It is brown, like a potato, green as jade, sweet and sour, and delicious. It was originally a wild fruit in the southern mountains, but has now been transplanted to all parts of the country. Its fruit is rich in sugar, protein, lipids, vitamins, organic acids and a variety of minerals. The content of vitamin C is the highest among fruits. Every 100 grams of fruit contains 200 mg, almost 100 times that of citrus and 30 times that of tomato. It is truly a "natural vitamin C tablet". In addition, it also contains rich vitamin P with the function of protecting blood vessels. Its nutritional value is very high.

Wheat bran: The best anti-cancer food fiber is also called bran. The seed coat taken off when wheat is grinded is used as feed and is not eaten. Feeding livestock with wheat bran has rosy skin, shiny hair and extremely healthy appearance. Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to wheat bran. For health, many western organizations call on people to eat whole grain food and whole wheat food. Whole wheat food refers to the food made by grinding the whole wheat grain into flour and then separating wheat bran. Wheat bran is the "warehouse" of wheat's main nutrients. B vitamins, selenium, magnesium and other minerals and cellulose are almost all concentrated in it. It can prevent and treat colorectal cancer, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc. Therefore, many experts believe that wheat bran is the best anti-cancer food fiber.

Radish: The "God of Health Protection" in root and stem vegetables is also called radish, which has many varieties and is all anti-cancer experts, so there are agricultural proverbs: "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't go to the medicine hall all your life" and "October radish and ginseng". The Dutch regard carrots as "national dishes", while Japan and the United States regard them as "health protection gods" among root vegetables. Radish has the functions of anti-cancer, chest widening, phlegm resolving and diuresis. Radish contains a variety of enzymes, which can eliminate the carcinogenic effect of nitrosamines. The essence can stimulate the body immunity, improve the activity of macrophages, and enhance their ability to phagocytosis and kill cancer cells. The pungency of radish comes from mustard oil, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote the elimination of carcinogens. Radish also contains many unknown ingredients that inhibit mutagenic activity. The content of vitamin C in radish is 8-10 times higher than that in apple and pear. And carrots, because they are rich in carotene, also have an excellent anti-cancer effect.

Kelp: kelp can prevent breast cancer and thyroid tumor. Kelp is called "Kunbu", which can prevent breast cancer and thyroid tumor. Kelp is rich in iodine, which can prevent choking in China. In fact, kelp has many other "skills". Its sodium alginate has a strong binding capacity with carcinogenic strontium and cadmium, and expels them from the body; Kelp can selectively kill or inhibit the bacteria that can produce carcinogens in the intestinal tract, and the fiber contained in kelp can also promote the excretion of bile acid and cholesterol; Kelp extract has a direct inhibitory effect on various cancer cells.

Pumpkin: It is known as the "divine melon". In some countries, it is known as the "divine melon" because it can be both food and vegetable. Americans eat pumpkins on Thanksgiving Day to show their gratitude to pumpkins. However, few plants are planted in China. Pumpkin can prevent obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia, and has a good effect on cancer prevention. The high content of vitamin A in pumpkin is unimaginable to ordinary people. In addition, it contains rich vitamin C, calcium and cellulose, as well as unknown ingredients that inhibit the carcinogen tryptophan-P.

Sweet potato: a gradually forgotten anti-cancer delicacy. When I was a child, the days of warming my hand while holding delicious baked sweet potato in winter faded out the memory of many young people. The past roasted sweet potato stalls that used to walk around the streets are almost nowhere to be found. With the improvement of economic conditions, some surveys show that many urban residents in China no longer eat sweet potato. Sweet potato: also known as sweet potato, sweet potato and sweet potato, it is considered to be an excellent food for curing diseases and prolonging life, reducing weight and maintaining health. In fact, sweet potato also has a powerful anti-cancer function. Recently, scientists found a substance of dehydroepiandrosterone in sweet potato, which can prevent the occurrence of colon cancer and breast cancer.

Eggplant: "Shuangda eggplant" is a good medicine. In many prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine and folk experience, "autumn old eggplant" and "Shuangda eggplant" are often used. More and more evidence shows that eggplant has anti-cancer function. A non-toxic substance extracted from eggplant has been tested, which has been used to treat gastric cancer, cervical cancer, etc. In addition, eggplant contains a variety of alkaloids such as solanine, cucurbitacin, stachydrine, choline, perilla glucoside, solaneside, among which solanine and cucurbitacin have been proved to have anti-cancer ability. Solanum, eggplant peduncle, eggplant root, and eggplant juice are all good drugs, and there have been records in ancient times on the treatment of cancer with candel root. Eggplant also contains rich nutrients. Except for low vitamin A and C, other vitamins and minerals are almost the same as tomatoes, while protein and calcium are even three times higher than tomatoes.

hot tip

Daily diet is closely related to health. We should do a good job of daily care from every bit of life to reduce the occurrence of diseases and ensure a healthy life.

Silence Blooming 2024-05-14 04:30:41
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