
What should I do if I want to upgrade by plane?

Sunflowers on trees
Favorable reply

If you want to get a free upgrade by plane, first of all, look at your class. If it is R or X, you can't upgrade. If it is other, you can, but you must pay in cash and the purser will handle it.

Operation method

1. Avoid the rush hour when there are more empty seats in the front of the plane in the high-level cabin, so the possibility of getting upgrade opportunities is higher naturally. Buy upgrade. The most direct thing is to directly add a small amount of money to upgrade when checking in, which is much cheaper than buying first class directly. Or, some airlines have boarding gate upgrade services. You can also upgrade to first class if you pay a few hundred yuan before boarding.

Compared with passengers who buy discount tickets, passengers who buy tickets with higher prices are more likely to get sympathy from ticket agents and get free upgrades.

Saving more airline points, even if it is only a junior member of the airline, will be more advantageous to get better treatment than passengers who do not have the airline membership card at all. Redeem points/upgrade mileage. This can be divided into two situations: become an airline or an alliance? Frequent passengers can exchange mileage points for reward upgrade; If you fly more frequently, you will become a member of an airline or an alliance? Gold card members can purchase high discount economy class tickets and upgrade for free when there are empty seats in business class and first class, or use member points to exchange for reward upgrade.

The time requirements for checking in early depend on the habits of check-in staff. Some people are used to putting out upgrade seats when the seats are half checked in, or they are used to putting them forward or backward.

hot tip

When traveling, you can choose the air railway steward APP, which can help you arrive at your destination happily and smoothly.

Sunflowers on trees 2024-05-13 01:12:13
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