
How to view my retired group ID

Astringent ambition
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Operation method

Open the computer, find the Sogou browser, click and enter the main page, as shown in the figure.

After entering, search the "official website of QQ recovery" and click to enter, as shown in the figure.

After entering, click "Restore QQ Group", as shown in the figure.

After opening, log in to your account and enter the next page, as shown in the figure.

After entering, you can see the group number of the QQ group you dropped out, as shown in the figure.

Astringent ambition 2024-04-17 15:29:19
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Q: How to make earplugs with toilet paper

Answer: To make earplugs with toilet paper, you can first take out a piece of tissue paper, tear the tissue paper in half, then fold it in half and horizontally, then roll it to a suitable size and tear it, and finally roll it again from the tear side. If you work in a noisy environment, use toilet paper to block your ears occasionally. As long as the plug is not too deep, the damage to the ear is not obvious. If you often do this, it may damage the external auditory canal, causing local infection. And once the plug is too deep, it may damage the eardrum. The harm of noise to human body is systemic, which can not only cause changes in auditory system, but also affect non auditory system. The early stage of these effects is mainly physiological changes. Long term exposure to relatively strong noise can cause pathological changes.

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