
Teach you how to iron clothes

Quiet as lotus
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Now when it comes to ironing clothes, many people think it is not easy. It seems that those who specialize in dry cleaning or clothing can do it. But if we can also ironing clothes for ourselves, it will be more convenient. In fact, it is not so difficult. Only if we learn the problems we should pay attention to when ironing clothes, we can ironing clothes ourselves


When ironing dry clothes, spray some water on the clothes, or spread a wet cloth on the clothes. The temperature should not be too high when ironing natural wool and cotton clothes

Clothes are usually ironed on the top. When embroidery is encountered, the back should be ironed to maintain the concave and convex contour of the front pattern

When ironing twill cloth, the direction of the iron should be consistent with the warp of the fabric, which can correct the deformation during wearing and washing

When ironing woolen clothes, you need to put a thick blanket on the bottom and a piece of clean gauze on it

The bottom of an iron that has been used for a long time is often not smooth enough. In this way, you can drop a few drops of lubricating oil on the bottom of the iron and iron on a piece of cloth for a few times, so that the iron will be smooth and easier to use. When the iron is broken, you can use the bottom of a kettle that has boiled a pot of water as the iron

Quiet as lotus 2024-05-28 19:09:17
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