
How to Record Video on Computer Screen

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In fact, many times we forget what is in front of us, and sometimes we find it unintentionally. There is no need to find any screen video experts or professional software any more. As long as you love watching videos, you already know. Next, Shen Dazhou will share with you how to video on the computer screen.

How to Record Video on Computer Screen

If you often use Youku, you can open it directly. If you don't have a friend, download one immediately. Open Youku client, bottom left (screen recording)

Three options pop up in the interface, where we directly select one (desktop recording)

It is a little simple to set the save directory to the desktop for convenience. Other settings are based on your preference (note: the best ratio is 16:9). Otherwise, there will be black edges after recording

Drag the mouse to locate the area, as shown in the figure, just pull the mouse to adjust the blue box. At the bottom of the box is the Start button. Click Start when you are ready

After recording, return to the desktop. An MP4 video has been recorded. The naming format is Youku recording screen+date. Open the preview to see if you are satisfied

If you have friends who share Youku videos, it is more convenient. After confirming that the recorded tutorial is correct, you choose to upload it directly to Youku and wait for the benefits after automatic transcoding.

Who is the leading role 2024-05-19 16:47:22
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Q: How to stir fry cucumber and tomato

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