
Fast hand live broadcast permission

Maturity after innocence
Favorable reply

Fast live broadcast needs to wait for the number of fans to reach 100, and upload the review to start live broadcast

Operation method

If the mobile phone is bound and the address book is uploaded (on the left side of the quick hand, there is an option to upload the address book), the live broadcast permission will be given priority“

Step 2: enter the search page

Step 3: click the mobile phone address book to allow access to the mobile phone address book, which is convenient to find friends, and click to allow access to the address book

Step four, just wait for the official approval. If you don't understand, you can consult me again

hot tip

It must be your ID card when authenticating, and the picture of the ID card must be clear

There is a certain relationship between the application for fast broadcast live broadcast permission and the fans. After the application is successful, the broadcast is prohibited, which violates the fast hand rules and regulations, otherwise the number will be blocked

Maturity after innocence 2024-05-26 10:08:32
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Latest answers Change


Q: Which stations does train k784 pass by

Answer: The departure station of train k784 is Pingxiang, passing through Yichun, Xinyu, Zhangshu, Fengcheng, Xiangtang, Nanchang, Jiujiang, Pengze, Chizhou, Tongling, Wuhu, Ma'anshan, Nanjing, Danyang, Suzhou and Shanghai. Shanghai is the terminal of this journey. Pingxiang, a prefecture level city in Jiangxi Province and an important member of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, is located in the west of Jiangxi Province, bordering Yichun City in the east, Ji'an City in the south, Zhuzhou City in Hunan Province in the west, and Liuyang City in Hunan Province in the north; The landform is relatively complex, belonging to the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, with four distinct seasons; It governs 3 counties and 2 districts, with a total area of 3823.99 square kilometers.

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