
How to write a promotional WeChat news release?

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We Media is more and more developed now. It can be said that as one of our media accounts, WeChat public account platform has been widely used by various companies. The role of propaganda is related to the editing of WeChat press releases. How do we write a WeChat press release?

Operation method

To facilitate the layout and storage of text content, you can edit text in Word documents. The first step is to determine what kind of news release to write. Generally, a promotional text should have a simple and clear title to hit the point. And take the key content that you want to highlight.

The first section should be fixed and the pattern should be enlarged as much as possible. For example, in the selection of words, when the pattern of an event is large enough, the selection of words in time should be as macro as possible. When specific events are not involved, "starting in March this year..." can be changed to "entering 2017...".

While enlarging the pattern, we should pay attention not to be divorced from reality. For example, when participants are abstracted as "people from all walks of life actively participate", it is obviously inconsistent with the actual situation, and participants cannot include people from all walks of life. It should be revised as "people from all walks of life actively participate".

Narration in the middle natural paragraph: things should be clearly described and easy to understand. Let people understand the meaning of this news.

The interviews can be properly interspersed, with interviews of the parties or related people, to find out the key content of the interview and draw out the theme of the article.

The photos should be inserted accordingly. Try to choose the representative photos that can tell the meaning at a glance. If there are too many photos, you can use jigsaw software to make them look beautiful and generous.

At the end, we should make a point and express a clear attitude, focusing on the inspiration this matter has brought to us and our determination to do what we should do in the future.

hot tip

The first section should be fixed and the pattern should be enlarged as much as possible.

At the end, we should make a point to show a clear attitude.

Not confused 2024-05-13 17:54:04
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