
How to fasten the belt of the taekwondo suit

Sorrow under pillow
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Operation method

We need to wear a taekwondo belt. We must put on our clothes first, so we should put on our taekwondo clothes first, and then take the belt to get ready.

After holding the belt, hold one side with both hands and align the middle of the belt with your front position.

Then wrap the two sides of the belt from front to back around your waist and abdomen. After the back is crossed, tighten it in front of your body, and make the belt cross. The left hand belt is placed on the surface.

Next, wrap the belt on the left hand side from outside to inside, from bottom to top, and pull it out.

Then fold the belt on the right side back to the intersection and place it under the upper belt to be covered by it.

Then, fold the upper belt back, wear it through the hole formed by the cross belt, and pull it out.

Now stretch out the belts on both sides and twist them towards the middle, so that the taekwondo belt is fastened.

Sorrow under pillow 2024-05-07 12:25:38
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Q: How to deal with the foaming oil when frying meatballs

Answer: 1. Take the spoon and skim the foam directly. Or knock it off with a spoon. 2. Add pepper or salt. If there is any dregs in the oil, use a white radish (pierce many holes in the radish) to put it into the oil pan, and the dregs will be sucked onto it. 3. Put starch in oil pan with water. 4. Put the oil on the fire and stir it while heating to prevent overflow. Someone should watch until the oil smokes and has no bubbles, and then it can be used again. When using it later, first burn the oil to light smoke, and then fry it again. 5. If it is caused by oil, replace it with new oil. 6. Pick up the fried goods first, add fire, wait until the oil is warm and suitable, and then put them down for frying. In addition, attention shall be paid to no blanking when the oil is not hot, less blanking, controlling the moisture in the material, and increasing the initial temperature of the material. 7. If the oil is dirty after repeated use, some Taibai powder water can be sprinkled into the high temperature oil and fried. When Taibai powder comes up, it can be picked up, so that the oil impurities can be cleaned. 8. Pour the oil into the pan and put a few onions before smoking to remove the oil foam.

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