
Teach you how to recharge your mobile phone bill on JD

Calm as a chrysanthemum
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Many friends don't know how to recharge their phone bills on JD. Here's a short story to teach you how to do it.

Operation method

First of all, after opening the JD login account, click the recharge payment function on the home page.

After entering the recharge and payment function, click the first option "Call charge and traffic".

Then we just need to input the mobile phone number that we want to recharge, and select the amount to recharge.

Finally, we click the bottom of the immediate recharge, complete the payment to recharge successfully.

Calm as a chrysanthemum 2024-05-23 15:57:09
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Q: How to switch to overtaking gear when an automatic car is moving

Answer: A car with automatic transmission can use D gear to drive when switching to overtaking gear, so that conversion is not required. Otherwise, the gear cannot be upshifted at one time, or the transmission will be damaged. D (Drive) forward gear, also known as drive gear: The transmission will automatically switch from 1 to overdrive gear (equivalent to 1 to 4 gears) according to speed and accelerator conditions, and this gear is used for driving on general roads. Due to different design of vehicle models in different countries, "D" gear generally includes gear 1 to high gear or gear 2 to high gear, and will automatically shift due to changes in vehicle speed and load. Place the paddle on the "D" gear, and the driver can control the speed as long as the accelerator pedal is well controlled. When driving normally, put the gear selector in D position, and the car can shift gears automatically between 1st and 4th (or 3rd) gears. The D bit is the most commonly used driving position. What we need to know is that the automatic transmission determines the gear according to the size of the accelerator and the speed, so the accelerator pedal operation method is different, and the speed when shifting is also different. If you step down the accelerator pedal quickly when starting, you will be able to upshift late and have strong acceleration ability. When you reach a certain speed, you can quickly release the accelerator pedal and the car will be able to upshift immediately, so that the engine noise is low and the comfort is good. Another feature of D position is the forced low gear, which is convenient for overtaking at high speed. When driving in D position, quickly press the accelerator pedal to the bottom, turn on the forced low gear switch to automatically downshift, and the car accelerates quickly. After overtaking, release the accelerator pedal to automatically upshift.

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