
Read and learn how to make annotations

Make an appointment with an old friend
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Operation method

Circle: When reading a book, use a pencil to circle or draw a horizontal line to mark the words or sentences you think are important.

Don't circle too much: don't circle too many key points. If a book is full of key points of drawing, then there is no key point to say.

Write: Write notes beside the key points you draw. You can appreciate this sentence or word, or write your own experience.

Review: One reading of a book is not enough. You should read it several times. When reviewing again, if you have new ideas or feelings, use different pens to write next to the previous comments.

Make an appointment with an old friend 2024-05-01 18:43:50
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Latest answers Change


Q: What are the basic training courses for enterprises

Answer: 1. Functional. This curriculum model is divided according to work functions. For group companies with large scale and multiple subsidiaries, branches and business divisions, this model is applicable, which can maximize the integration of different curriculum categories of different business types. 2. Position type: this mode is set for specific positions. Relatively speaking, the workload is relatively large, and it is suitable for the initial stage of enterprise development. When the position level is relatively simple, it can be used to make each position very clear what enterprise training courses they will accept at this position level, and what courses they need to learn when they are promoted to the next level, so it is highly targeted. When adopting this mode, we should pay special attention not only to the level of job skills, but also to the courses for improving the comprehensive quality of employees. 3. Department type. This model can be used for small enterprises to set courses for departments, so that each department can have a clear view of its regular courses. At the same time, when adopting this model, attention should be paid to the characteristics of functional segmentation of each position, and the skill level of the position. 4. Hair style. This model combines the perspective of human resources development and sets courses for the career development planning route of employees. It is mainly divided into four stages of development: new employee training courses, basic job skills training courses for employees, job skills improvement training courses, and personal growth training courses for employees.

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