
Ask how to improve the chance of catching Tianji babies

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Are you envious of others' excellent babies? I really want to own it, but the price on the market is extremely expensive. I can't afford it. But how can we catch the best Tianji babies? How can we improve the probability of catching the baby? Today, Xiaoyuan brings you some tips on catching Tianji babies.

Operation method

First, go online and find Tianji Old Man (Tianyong City 380170) to get double. There are apprentices and masters who have been married. The best is that both the husband and wife are online, and then choose the baby you want to catch.

After selecting the desired baby, eat an exorcism incense and go straight to the place where the baby is. I chose the first floor of Hundred Flowers Valley to catch the Pink Fairy. After arriving at the map, find the intersection nearest to the transmission gate, walk around here for a few circles, eat a Qingxin San, and then automatically encounter a strange person.

When encountering monsters, do not attack. Characters are always captured and pets choose to defend. If you catch Tianji Baby, there will be a prompt. If you do not prompt your pet to bring it to the upper limit, you can directly train the captured pet into an internal elixir. Then continue to catch. When to catch it, I don't think it will have much impact. Some people say that Xiaoyuan has never tried before.

If you are lucky, you will get results in half an hour to two hours. Grasping the sky skill mentality must be good, don't be too impatient. Xiaoyuan was lucky enough to get the result soon after the tent burst, and she got the powder clothes in three days. In fact, the sky grabbing skill is much simpler than you think.

If you don't get anything from the above methods, you can only invest. Choose the mall to buy old wine and submit it to the divine operator (Tianyong City, under the spirit beast and strange man.) If the divination shows that your chance of catching Tianji baby in the next hour is increased, go to catch it quickly, and pay attention to the above steps.

Or you can directly purchase the calling card of Tianji, which means 100% success. In fact, it's not that you can't catch anything until the end of time when you are unlucky. This is Xiaoyuan's personal experience. I bought one and didn't see anything.

hot tip

Catch the baby must be persistent, do not give up easily. Secondly, we should have a good attitude. If we can't catch it, we should not be angry. If we persist, we will certainly gain.

From the beginning 2024-05-23 04:53:07
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