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Live well 2024-05-10 10:39:25
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Q: Can I eat the birthday cake after six days

A: The birthday cake can't be eaten after 6 days. Generally, food has a certain shelf life. Especially for fresh cakes, if stored in the refrigerator, they can be eaten within 2-3 days. From the moment of making the birthday cake, the longer the cake is stored, the lower its nutritional value will be. From the third day after being placed in the refrigerator, some bacteria that are not good for your health will grow. It can be said that eating expired cakes will easily lead to stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and even gastroenteritis. So it's better to finish the birthday cake the next day instead of putting it in the refrigerator for too long.

What country is Portugal 2019-05-03

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