
Efficacy and function of tangerine peel

Half a Butterfly Loves a Flower
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Operation method

The tangerine peel also has the function of diminishing inflammation and reducing urine volume. Tangerine peel decoction can make the kidney blood vessels contract and reduce urine volume. The combination of tangerine peel decoction with vitamin C and vitamin K can enhance the anti-inflammatory effect

The dried tangerine peel is also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. It is hard to taste and warm in nature. It has the effects of invigorating the spleen, eliminating dampness and phlegm, relieving tiredness and retaining fragrance, reducing adverse reactions and stopping vomiting. It is a good medicine for resolving phlegm, lowering qi, eliminating stagnation and strengthening stomach. It is suitable for people with stomach fullness, dyspepsia, anorexia, cough and phlegm. The volatile oil contained in tangerine peel can mildly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, promote the secretion of digestive juice, eliminate the accumulation of gas in the intestines, and show the effect of fragrant stomach and expelling wind and qi.

Tangerine peel can cause slight contraction of blood vessels and rapidly increase blood pressure. Pectin in tangerine peel can also prevent atherosclerosis caused by high-fat diet.

The bitter taste of dried tangerine peel can coordinate with other tastes, so it can be used to cook dishes to improve the taste, not only to remove the smell of fish, but also to make dishes particularly delicious; In terms of cold fruits and food, Xinhui Chenpi Plum, Chenpi Duck and Chenpi Wine have their own characteristics in color, aroma and taste. In addition, desserts such as mung bean paste and red bean porridge can be made. If a little tangerine peel is added, the taste will be very fragrant

Half a Butterfly Loves a Flower 2024-05-01 09:01:07
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