
How to make delicious fried mushrooms with onions and green peppers?

Swallows are long without trace
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Operation method

Prepare proper amount of onion, remove the dry skin, cut it into cubes, and rinse it with water to remove the pungent smell outside; Then prepare some green peppers, wash them and cut them into pieces; Prepare some dried shiitake mushrooms, soak them with water, and then cut them into pieces.

Put a proper amount of oil in the wok, heat the oil, put garlic slices into the wok, stir fry until fragrant, and then pour green peppers into the wok, stir fry evenly.

Pour the mushrooms into the pot, stir fry them with green peppers. Stir fry the mushrooms with oil, which is more delicious.

Pour the onion cubes into the pan and stir well.

Add proper amount of salt, chicken essence and five spice powder according to your taste, and stir well.

Add a little soy sauce, stir well, and then add a little water to prevent sticking to the pan.

A little vinegar can be added before cooking to make the food more refreshing. After cooking, it will be cooked.

Prepare a small amount of coriander, sprinkle it on it after washing, stir it evenly, and then you can eat it. It's delicious and nutritious. It's delicious. The simple ingredients are well made, and it's also delicious. You can try it.

Swallows are long without trace 2024-04-17 06:40:17
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