
How to succeed in Section Two

Smiling face with red eyes
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Now is the age of everyone's car, so it is very important to learn how to drive. Even if I can't afford to buy a car at present, I'm not in such a hurry to start learning when I buy a car. The driving school is divided into four tests. Section 1 and Section 4 are theoretical. This belongs to endorsement. As long as you are willing to spend time reading and writing, you can pass. Section 2 is divided into four projects: fixed point on the ramp, right angle turn, reverse parking, side parking, and curve. Section 3 is a road test, and today we will focus on Section 2.

Operation method

Control of clutch is the top priority in the examination of the second division. First, let's talk about the tricks of clutch control. Many novices complain of leg pain after several rounds of clutch practice, which is actually because they have not taken a good posture. Control the clutch, correct sitting posture, straighten your back, and put your knees under the compartment under the steering wheel to play a certain role in fixing. Secondly, step on the clutch with your toes and touch the ground with your heels. Use the heel as a base point to lift the toe up and down while controlling the clutch. When practicing clutch on the field, remember these points. The clutch is not fixed by putting your feet in the same position from beginning to end. It is to control the change. Secondly, both lifting and pressing the clutch should be carried out slowly, otherwise, it is easy to cause the car to stall. Fail the exam. If you find that the speed of the car is accelerating in the examination room, remember to press the clutch a little at this time. The speed is slow and easier to operate, which can improve the passing rate of the exam.

Fixed point on the ramp When many people practice on the site, they use poles as a fixed point for parking. But most of the time, this point is 30 cm from the right line. That is, if your 30 cm is not good, then your final parking spot may also have problems. Therefore, another locating point can be added, which is the widest line among the three lines of the fixed point. When your left rearview mirror coincides with the yellow line, you can stop, which can ensure that the point position of your head is correct. (Of course, the 30 cm on the right is hard to say). Another big problem on the ramp is stalling. This is why many people press the clutch very firmly on the flat ground, and then do not send the clutch before going up the slope. They start to lift the clutch when the car starts shaking on the half slope, but often the end result is stalling. The car needs power when going uphill. If the power is insufficient, the car will naturally stall. Therefore, it is better to lift the clutch on the flat ground before entering the ramp, so that the car can go uphill smoothly. The other thing is to start again after the fixed point. The clutch must be lifted steadily, or it will also stall.

The vehicle speed must be slow, but it cannot stop. Therefore, basic skills are very important. Practice clutch. At the end of warehousing, turn the steering wheel early to avoid the tread on the other side. For example, if you put the steering wheel into the right car and turn the steering wheel early, the right side may be too close to the right deformation, or even tread the line. Don't worry. You can watch the tire grading and changing the line again. When you feel that you need to press the line, turn the steering wheel back a circle (depending on the situation), and then when you see the tire is far away from the deformation to the appropriate position, kill it to the right. Then proceed to the following operations.

Personally, I think the side parking is relatively simple. There are three points. As long as the speed is appropriate, there is basically no problem. However, there is a blind spot. When the car body is parked in the garage and comes out, the front right tire is likely to tread the line. So when to turn the steering wheel back, you should grasp it.

Right angles and curves can only be said that practice makes perfect.

Precautions: 1 Safety belt. (Don't make this mistake) 2 Turn on the light (it takes 3 seconds to turn on the light when starting, turning on the light on the ramp, and turning on the light when the side stops to leave the warehouse)

Smiling face with red eyes 2024-05-18 01:19:11
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