
Efficacy and function of hazelnut

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Soften blood vessels. It can promote the metabolism of cholesterol, on the other hand, it can soften blood vessels, capillaries and maintain health, prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Be strong. It is very useful to strengthen physique, resist fatigue and prevent aging. Eating hazelnut is good for children's healthy growth.

It is used to enhance memory and develop vision. Hazelnut is rich in vitamin A, B1, B2 and niacin, which is conducive to maintaining normal vision and normal development of nervous system, promoting digestive function, increasing appetite, improving memory and preventing aging.

Rich hazelnut oil can supplement fat soluble vitamins absorbed by the human body. It has a good effect on weak patients. It is a good food material to eat after illness.

Hazelnut contains anti-cancer chemicals, which are beneficial to the treatment of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and other cancers. This drug can prolong the survival of patients.

Hazelnut has the functions of strengthening spleen and stomach, supplementing qi, improving eyesight and hiking, and is beneficial to the treatment of diabetes, night sweating, increased nocturia and other diseases. Most people can eat it.

Hazelnut has a natural aroma, which can be used as an appetizer when chewing more.

Hazelnut can help improve memory and judgment, and improve the optic nerve and brain function of large computer owners and mental workers.

Pleasure like a dream 2024-05-02 02:29:40
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