
Hainan Huanghua Pear Identification Method Complete! Player must!

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Zhengehai Huanghuang Pear is Chinese, Hainan, Oriental, and world. Its growing environment is difficult, and its growing cycle is long, but its patterns are beautiful and enchanting, its materials are not broken, insects are not corrupt, and its tenacious and unyielding growth process vaguely shows the character of the Chinese nation. It is not surprising that people are deeply loved by people because of its reputation for materials and comparison with things. 1. Huanghua pear wood itself is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the flavor of "falling fragrance"; 2. The texture is hard, the texture is clear and beautiful, the sense of vision is excellent, there are wheat grain, crab claw grain, the texture is hidden or visible, vivid and changeable; 3. There are "grimaces". "grimaces" are caused by scarring in the growth process. Its scarring is different from that of ordinary trees. It is irregular, so people call it "grimaces", but it cannot be said that every rosewood has grimaces; 4. There is phosphorescence like fireflies. After soaking the sawdust, the water is green. Hainan Huanghua Pear can be identified from seven aspects: 1 smell, 2 lines, 3 colors, 4 fine density, 5 feel, 6 luster, 7 grimaces. Hainan Huanghua Pear is one of the five famous trees with solid wood and beautiful patterns, and the furniture produced is very beautiful. But now Hainan Huanghua Pear is a national first-class protected plant, and there are very few on the market. So many unscrupulous businessmen will use fake Hainan Huanghua Pear furniture to seek benefits, so we must pay attention to identification when choosing solid wood furniture, Especially for furniture of such precious materials as Hainan Huanghua Pear, what are the identification methods of Hainan Huanghua Pear? Identification method of Hainan Huanghua Pear: 1. Smell: Hainan Huanghua Pear has a pungent and quiet smell. It feels comfortable when inhaled into the nostrils. Other Huanghua pears have sour and foul smell in their aroma, which is not so charming that they want to smoke more. 2. Grain: smooth and vivid lines; The texture lines of other Huanghua pears are relatively stiff and rigid, and the overall pattern lacks images. 3. Color: Hainan Huanghua Pear has a variety of colors. In addition to the main color of golden yellow, there are yellow white, purple, brown, red, black, and any combination of them or even multiple combinations in one piece of wood. The picture of Hainan Huanghua Pear is generally clean, especially like a clear and honest landscape painting. 4. Fine density: The proportion of Hainan Huanghua pear is generally lower than that of Dalbergia grandiflora and Dalbergia microphylla, but it is more dense than other Huanghua pears. Therefore, Hainan Huanghua Pear has small pores in transverse section and fine cattle hair in longitudinal section. 5. Hand feel: Hainan Huanghua Pear is the best in all materials after being polished and polished with high-grade sandpaper. Because of its fine pores, rich oil and good flexibility, the material can be cut at will without stubble according to the direction. Touching the baby's skin is also one of the main reasons why Hainan Huanghua Pear is very popular. 6. Gloss: Hainan Huanghua Pear is rich in oil. Therefore, after polishing, the smoothness is high, which has the feeling of glass surface. Shake it in your hand or move it with your vision. The glittering light on your face will flicker. Its outer surface is often like a silk surface, with obvious glittering light. 7. Grimaces: the so-called "grimaces" are nodules and pimples. In fact, there are all kinds of wood, but they grow fast. For example, the Chinese fir has a large nodule, which is inconspicuous. Other hardwoods such as red sandalwood and sour twigs are also available. However, Hainan Huanghuali has more grimaces, which are more abundant and colorful. Hainan Huanghua Pear Identification Mistakes: 1. Color: Many monographs describe the color of Huanghua Pear as "from light yellow to purple red", which is irresponsible. When you open the color spectrum, you will find that this statement almost covers most of the color spectrum, and cannot distinguish it from other hardwoods. Secondly, there is no black or dark brown strip black plain band in the real sense of Huanghua pear, because this color texture is quite different from the light tone of wood, and the resulting pattern is impetuous, which is obviously inconsistent with the aesthetic view of the literati in the Ming Dynasty. 2. Weight: In the national standard of rosewood, it is said that the density of Dalbergia odorifera is 0.82~0.94g/cm3, but when buying furniture and timber in the market, it is impossible to cut off a piece for monitoring before buying, and the density of other timber is often within this range. 3. Mane eye: In many works, the mane eye of Huanghua pear is summarized as "wheat grain, crab claw grain, ox hair grain", but its characteristics are not unique to Huanghua pear. For example, some Caohua pears also have obvious "wheat grain", and the chicken wing wood has typical "crab claw grain". These texture features are very confusing to lovers who are new to the collection circle. 4. Grimaces: some experts say that Huanghua Pear has cute grimaces. "grimaces" are boils on trees. All trees can form "grimaces" at the junction of the trunk and branches, and some sour twigs and Caohua Pear have more cute "grimaces" than Huanghua Pear. 5. Fragrance: The real Huanghua pear has fragrance, but it can't be smelled by the old furniture.

tulips 2024-05-13 01:21:28
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